My morning excursion

This morning I left my room for the first time since 10/Nov to have some scans to see if the source of my fever (37.5 to 38.5 degrees) could be found. At around 9am I was transported on my barouche to the radiology department.

The first scan was a CT scan which took about 5 minutes. I just have to lie down inside a big donut shaped machine and that is it. This scan is looking for a lung infection.

The second scan was an ultrasound of my liver. Again I just lie there chatting to the ultrasound person who I found out is the same age as me amongst other interesting things. This scan is obviously looking for some infection related abnormalities of my liver.

It was a lovely day out after being stuck in this room for so long. It was also nice to have a chat with the various people involved with the scans.

The preliminary results indicate that there is nothing wrong with my lungs or liver which is a relief.

My white cell count has started to rise. It is only a flicker of change but it has started. It is such a relief to see the light at the end of the tunnel for this phase. Unless something goes wrong I should be out sometime next week.

I have had a bit of a reaction to one of the antibiotics which has now flared up into a rash over my entire body. It feels a little ‘prickly’ on my back but that is about the extent of the discomfort. The doctors are giving me some steroid to alleviate the rash.

Antibiotic rash

Antibiotic rash