End of hospital

The last fours days have seen quite an improvement. It all started on Thursday with a morning chunder. Then I found I had some graft versus host disease which is good. It appeared as a rash on the back of my hands. I think is was also causing my other problems such as nausea and fever. They gave me a steroid to supress my immune system a bit more and get rid of the graft versus host disease. I noticed the results that day. By the evening I was feeling much better and almost felt human again despite the early morning chunder.

A side effect of the steroid is high blood sugar levels. Mine hovered around 15 to 20. Some insulin shots helped to fix this up. The steroid has now been stopped. Hopefully gvhd does not reappear.

A side effect of the main immuno suppressant is high blood pressure. Mine is at 160/100. No ill effects such as head aches which is good. Shouldn’t do any harm in the short term I am hoping to be on this stuff. Ie months not years.

So I am off all the iv food etc and into normal revolting hospital food. Unless something bad happens I should be out by Friday. At least I feel normal now which makes these last days in hospital tolerable.

I also had a skin biopsy done on my hand. Here is the result, a single stitch. Such old man hands I have!